A to Z List of What Stefanie is Looking Forward to for Summer 2020
posted: November 18, 2019By: Stefanie
A to Z list of what I’m already looking forward to in summer 2020…
Animal ShowBoat Races
Carnival Day
Daily Swim Instruction
Eggless Brownie Batter Dip
Friends that Become Family
Green Fridays
Halloween Day
Individual and Team Sports
Junior Camp Talent Show
King Size Car Wash
Learning New Skills
My Style Camp
Nonstop Excitement
Pizza Thursdays
Quest for Towels
Reconnecting with Camp Friends
Solid Gold Shows
Tie Dye Sneakers
Undeniable Energy
Values to be Proud of
Water World Day
X Letter Blocks for Nursery Campers
Yawning Children as they Board the Buses to go home at the End of the Day
Zip Line