A Facilities Update from Danny
posted: February 2, 2020By: Danny
As we recently wrote about HERE, parents and friends are always asking us, “What do you do all year?” The previous post focused on what is happening inside the full-time office. Out in the rest of camp our amazing facility team is always working to make camp safer and more fun. They also keep our buildings and grounds looking great all year round for off-season events, tours and the upcoming summer.
Our Lego and Music rooms, also used for before & after care, have been totally renovated. Our team gutted this entire side of the building attached to our summer office. When they are finished there will be two separate large rooms so multiple groups can enjoy this improved space. The Lego room is now larger and will include additional toys, games and books for our junior campers.
The bathrooms for those program areas are also being completely redone.
Our biggest update for this year is what we are doing down in junior camp. We are making more space for our Junior campers to run and play. The Car Wash (it should be called the Kid Wash) is being moved closer to the pools so more of our campers can use it on regular basis. Once we break ground, I will update the blog with more pictures.
The Shibley Fun zone, an adjoining wall and fencing have all been removed in preparation for the rest of the project.
This corner will be a new wide-open play area for our youngest campers to enjoy during Summer 2020.
The facilities team has been working since the last bus left camp in August and they won’t stop until it’s time for camp. Make sure you tell them how great a job they are doing when you see them next. Our beautiful and unique facility just keeps getting better!