Potty Training Tips & Tricks
posted: May 2, 2022By: Hayley
Spring is in the air. The weather is getting warmer and we are spending more time outdoors. We are getting excited! We are not only thinking about all the spring events and holidays that are coming our way but also the fact that summer is right around the corner. We have just two months until camp starts and preparations are underway. The pools are being filled, craft supplies are being ordered and bunks are being decorated. That means that we want our children to be prepared as well. As the Junior Camp Director, I am focused on making sure that our youngest campers have an easy transition into their camp surroundings and one of the most important things that you must do before sending your tiny camper is: POTTY TRAINING!!
As a mom of three I know all too well the frustrations that come along with this task. i.e. the accidents, making sure there is always a change of clothing nearby, feeling like you can never be too far from a bathroom, the tears (yours and theirs) and more.
Here are some things that I found helpful:
The weeks leading up to potty training- talk to your child about all things potty. Have as many conversations as you can about it. Get them comfortable with the idea of it. Have some of their favorite books next to each potty or books about potty training to keep them interested. Here are a few good ones:
The New Potty by Gina & Mercer Mayer
Have a kids potty on every floor to give your child easy access when they have to go:
BlueSnail Double Step Up Stool
Before you start, bring your child to the store to pick out their new underwear. Get something that they like and are excited about.
And the most important thing to remember is once you take the diapers away DON’T EVER GO BACK!!! Stick with it. You can do it! and they can do it!
If I can help in any way, please send me a note: hayley@shibleydaycamp.com.