By now most of us are fully entrenched in our Fall activities. Summer has faded, the Autumn colors have taken over the landscape, and in 8 short weeks we will be welcoming in the holiday season and the new year. 2019 is the year my husband and I experienced being grandparents for the first time. It has been quite a ride. I thought I would share a few funny moments and some “Aha” moments as Brody turns 1 year old.
My husband and I visit baby Brody just about every week. In the beginning, we would arrive at Brody’s apartment and wait our turn to hold the baby. We have a decent size immediate family so literally it was like taking a bakery ticket with each of us announcing…”I’m next.” This went on for hours.
There have been some new developments since Steve and I became parents some 30 years ago. One afternoon, Steve and I were babysitting for Brody. Both mom and dad were out. We had the baby all to ourselves. We were in Brody’s room adoringly watching him sleep in the crib when all of a sudden we heard a deep voice call out, straight out of a Star Wars movie, “Brody…I am your father!” We literally freaked! We looked at each other incredulously trying to figure out where the voice came from. It was shortly after that that our son explained to us about the infamous nanny cam, which can not only be viewed on your cell phone but can also transmit sound from anywhere. As it turned out, my son activated the nanny cam on his phone from work and decided to have some fun with us.
Here’s another goody. We have been introduced to the “Shusher.” Back in the day when you wanted to calm a baby, or rock a baby to sleep you would soothingly hold the baby close and rock back and forth making a continuing shushing sound. We were blown away to learn that there is now a mechanical hand held device called The Shusher! You can place it by the crib to calm a baby down or lull the baby to sleep. What will they think of next???!!!!
Here are a few AHA moments in year 1……
It is amazing how this little baby boy has brought our family even closer.
Steve and I don’t sweat the parental details. Our job is to crash their place, play with and spoil Brody, give him endless hugs and kisses, rile him up, and then head back home.
We have come to realize that our son, who at times was a challenge growing up, has become a wonderful loving father and husband. Steve and I sometimes look at each other in amazement and giggle.
After raising 3 children, who turned out pretty well in my opinion, I find it quite humorous that my son feels compelled to give me advice and instructions regarding “the Baby.”
Being a grandparent is about all of the joys and not about the headaches.
During so many of Shibley’s special events throughout the year, as well as summertime visiting days and shows, grandparents play an integral part of our camp experience. They come in droves to see their grandchildren in action. Their pride and joy is unparalleled. Before becoming a grandma myself, I would marvel at the sight of a camper running into their grandparents arms and thinking how lucky they all are to have each other. Shibley is a place to celebrate family and I hope to see all our campers, parents and grandparents this Saturday at our Fall Festival enjoying the day!