It’s a New Year Shibley Nation and it’s time to reflect upon this past year and more importantly, think about all our wishes and resolutions for the upcoming year.
For me, 2018 was a very special year. I welcomed my very first grandchild and witnessed the marriage of my second son David to his beautiful bride Rachel.
I started thinking about my New Year’s resolutions, and for me, spending time with my family and friends is always on the top of the list.
Here are a few more thoughts that I would like to share with all of you in making 2019 the best year ever:
FAMILY DINNERS-Sit down with your loved ones and talk about your day.
BEDTIME READING-There’s nothing like cozying up with your children right before bedtime and reading together a special story that is meaningful and positive.
TIME-Find a few moments every day to have a quiet conversation with your child/children and keep connected with their everyday lives. You would be surprised as to how much you can learn from your child while conversing with them during a drive in the car to and from an activity.
We all know how busy our lives can be, and how these 3 simple suggestions can be very challenging, but I guarantee that making the effort to be FAMILY STRONG is the key to a successful year.
I wish you all a very healthy and happy New Year. And as the Winter fades into Spring and the promise of Summer is within our grasp, we can all start counting the days until our 2019 summertime begins at Shibley!!