City Parents Love Shibley Day Camp

“You want me to put my 5 year old on a bus from the city to Long Island every day this summerare you crazy? 

We often hear these words or see the wheels spinning in parents’ heads when we talk about campers coming to Shibley Day Camp from Manhattan. In fact, a large percentage of our campers do come from the east side of Manhattan in addition to areas in Queens like Long Island City and Forest Hills; and parts of Brooklyn including Park Slope. 

So why do parents send their children in droves from the city every day to day camps on Long Island? We asked a mix of first time Shibley families and veterans and here were some of their answers: 

I feel so grateful to have found Shibley for my daughter.  I’m so glad that I can give her the perfect summer camp for a city kid; one where she is outdoors in the sunshine, swimming in the pool  and running in the grass every day. She comes home exhausted with dirty knees and crazy hair.  Most importantly, she comes home happy. – Mrs. Grillo 

“Sending our children out of the city for summer camp was the best decision we could have made.  We love our city living most of the year, but the amazing landscape at Shibley provides a true camp experience and the ability to be outdoors for activities as much as possible – a luxury not local camp could provide.  While the bus ride to and from was my greatest hesitation, this was actually one of their daily highlights. They made friends outside of their groups and age bracket which made them feel even more connected to the Shibley community.  I know it was a good thing when I offered to pick them up from camp one day and they both quickly responded ‘NOOOO!’”– Mrs. De Angelis

“As much as we love the city, you can’t beat the variety, offerings, and outdoor facilities that a suburban day camp has to offer. The minute my active little city-bird saw Shibley, he asked if he could go there over the summer. We’re confident that it’s the right choice for us.” – Mrs Goldenberg 

“We knew it was time to give Marco a taste of suburban life when he saw the Camp Shibley promotional video and said “look, it’s in the jungle!”  There’s more to life than steaming hot sidewalks and fenced-in city parks. We wanted to give him the opportunity to spend his summers running around in fresh air and green grass, and swimming in a beautiful outdoor pool.”-Mrs. Zambetti

“…imagine not hearing the shrill of car horns and emergency vehicles for days on end.  Instead, imagine the magical sound of kids having fun in a truly natural setting.  My daughter loves escaping the noise of the city and enjoying full days filled with the sounds of nature…” – Mr. McLaughlin 

Sending our daughter to Shibley from LIC was one of the best decisions we have ever made! Our daughter gets the opportunity to be active in the outdoors on a beautiful large suburban property while participating in so many activities including; swimming, ropes course, playgrounds, sports, color war…the list is endless. Shibley provides convenient busing, which is amazing especially for working parents. She is currently counting down the days until she goes back to camp!– Mrs. Fritz 

This will be my daughters second summer at Shibley Day Camp, and the excitement in our home is at a whole new level! When is camp starting mom? How many more days again? Living in Manhattan is an amazing experience for my daughter and our family, but like every New Yorker and especially my child who is born in and being raised in NYC, you need a break every once in a while.  When my daughter was old enough she went to Shibley and upon her return from camp that afternoon her happiness and exhaustion was evident. The activities were beyond her imagination and the staff and counselors were just amazing even the bus ride home was an exciting adventure for her filled with fun and appropriate songs and games. City kids have benefits like no other children, but you should not pass up an opportunity to send them to a camp outside the hustle and bustle of the jungle of Manhattan. And make sure its a place like Shibley that your child will love just as much as their own home.– Mrs. Sticco 

I love sending my daughter to camp in the suburbs for so many reasons.  First and foremost is getting her to spend time outside surrounded by large lawns of green grass and giant shady trees. She learns about nature and escapes the concrete jungle.  Also, I love that there are various pools for swim instruction dedicated to each age level. My daughter finally learned to put her head under water and started to swim last year and now she runs and jumps into the water with no fear. This year she will work to pass the deep water test. Let’s not forget about the bus! I feel like my daughter grew up on that bus, gained independence, developed patience and made great friendships with boys and girls of different ages.  Lastly but equally important are all the outstanding activities that take place outside like carnivalOlympicsrelay racesbungee .. and so much more.. We love Shibley Day Camp! – Mrs. Fastenberg 

“The environment is such a departure from more urban settings. It’s like a having a relative with a country house who lets your kids go run, swim and play all day (under adult supervision). Their summer days don’t crawl by looking for things to do. Every day is spent in a beautiful wooded sanctuary that gives my children the feel of a upstate sleep-away camp. But I get the added bonus of seeing them at the end of every day, exhausted and relaxed as they regale me with the stories of their adventures. Without a haven like Shibley, my kids would probably never lay back on the grass and watch the clouds on a beautiful summer day like they were in their own backyard. They don’t have to compete with neighborhood kids for a hot swing on a blacktop playground. They don’t have to wonder how they will fill their hot summer days in a concrete jungle. Instead, all four of my children learned to swim from Red Cross certified instructors, they climbed rock walls, played softball, hockey, basketball and gaga….Over the many years I have realized it is a different kind of friendship that forms over the summers, when you only see each other for a few months. Those relationships are special. They will have these camp friends for a lifetime. – Mrs. Haberstumpf

We couldn’t have said it better ourselves!

Help Families Affected by the Fires in Los Angeles


How do you help a family that has lost everything?

There are countless numbers of people that have lost their homes, belongings and sense of stability through the horrific California fires. How do you start from scratch and what are the things that can bring comfort to those affected? Many of the families not only lost their homes but also the place that their children spend the majority of their days, school. The thought of having to rebuild your entire existence is massively overwhelming. But to also have to provide activities for your children and make sure that they are still stimulated, nourished, and emotionally taken care of during this time is next to impossible.

Shibley Day Camp and the CampGroup family of camps have chosen to pair up with an organization called Project Camp (@projectcampla) that sets up pop-up day camps for impacted children while their homes and schools are being rebuilt. At these camps, children have fun with other children, they are distracted from what’s going on at home and they have the emotional support of trained staff if they need to speak with someone.

About Project Camp:

“We are former summer camp directors and administrators, experienced designers, and trauma-specialists who believe in the transformative power of the camp experience. Every staffer and volunteer is fully background checked and trained in childhood trauma identification and mitigation tactics before they ever interact with a camper.  Project Camp strives to serve every evacuated child in need.  We are in no way religiously or politically affiliated and we accept children of all backgrounds, socioeconomics, abilities, and needs from ages 6-16.  As far as we know, there are no other organizations that provide this type of relief for children.”

While campers are having fun at camp, their parents enjoy free childcare, time  and space to assess the state of their home and some peace of mind as they  make big decisions about moving forward.

Fundraising is a priority for Project Camp. Please consider donating to Project Camp yourself and/or circulating the link to your network. Here is a link to the donation page:

Thank you!

Staying Connected with Family & Friends Over the Winter

The winter season is all about making memories and cherishing relationships near or far. At Shibley Day Camp, we believe in the power of connection and this is why I feel it’s important to encourage families and friends to stay in touch with loved ones, even if they aren’t local. 

Whether it’s sharing a laugh with friends or updating family members on your latest adventures or accomplishments, maintaining those bonds is essential to personal growth and building lasting friendships.

Here are a few simple and fun ideas to stay connected and spread smiles and cheer this season!

1. Schedule a Virtual Hangout. In today’s technological world it’s easier than ever to connect with friends and family via Zoom, FaceTime, or even a phone call. Schedule a time to share stories, play a game, or a simple check in over the phone! It’s the perfect way to stay connected, no matter the distance.

2. Send a Handwritten Letter. For something more personal, why not go back to basics with a handwritten letter or for little ones draw a picture! I believe there’s something special about receiving a physical note in the mail that can brighten anyone’s day.3. Creating Memories. Even if you’re miles apart, you can still create memories together. Watching a movie at the same time or even cooking a favorite recipe over FT or Zoom, then sitting and enjoying that meal together are simple ways to stay connected!

4. Lastly and my favorite, make a playlist with your loved one’s. Collect songs that both of you enjoy and while over FT or Zoom have a dance party!

At Shibley Day Camp, our GREEN values of Generosity, Respect, Empathy, Endurance and Nurture guide’s everything we do. These principles can extend into how we interact with others all winter long.

Let’s spread kindness, show respect, and nurture those relationships that matter most!

I wish everyone a joyful and connected winter season! Please share with us your pictures on how you choose to stay connected!

Shibley Shibley!


Parenting Tip – One Thing Every Child Should Memorize

Have you ever heard the expression “throw spaghetti on the wall and see what sticks!”? That’s kind of my motto when it comes to parenting. There are so many things that we throw our kids way and we hope that the most important things stick with them. I would argue that the most important piece of information for them to memorize is a parent’s cell phone number.

Now you might say to yourself, “Hayley, my kids are always with me or a trusted adult.” Or, “My number is saved in their phone which is always with them…Why is this a MUST?”

Here’s Why:

A few years ago my family and I were on a ski trip. We were on the mountain with our cousins and my 20-year-old nephew (trusted adult) and my youngest son (at the time he was 7) got separated from the rest of us. When we got to our normal meeting spot at the bottom of the mountain they were nowhere to be found. So we waited…and waited…and waited. “There’s no need to panic Hayley”, I said to myself, “just call your nephew’s cell phone!” I did. It went straight to voicemail. I called it again. No answer. I called about 5 more times and each time it went right to voicemail. At this point I started to freak out. Big mountain…little kid. My mind was racing with all the possibilities that no parent wants to think about.

I was about to call ski patrol when my phone rang from a random number. I answered and it was my nephew. He and my son were fine. They took a wrong turn and ended up on the opposite side of the mountain. They were together and wanted to let me know that it would take a while to walk back. He said that his phone had died and he wasn’t really sure what to do other than start walking towards the usual meeting spot.

What to know and what to do:

I was so proud to hear that my son, the seven year old, was the one who decided what they should do next: “Let’s look for a person who looks like a mommy and ask to borrow their phone.”

My nephew responded, “I don’t know your mom’s phone number without access to my own phone.”

Jesse said “I know it! And I know my dad’s number too!!”

This is just one of many situations that can pop up where your child should know your phone number by heart. He was with a trusted adult and safe but had no way to communicate this to his worried family. He was able to navigate the situation because he knew to ask for a phone from “someone who looked like a mommy” and he memorized the number he had to call. Thankfully, this allowed him to let me know that everything was ok and my moment of panic changed to a proud mama moment. Nice work Jesse!


When they were babies I made a poster with my cell phone number, my husband’s cell phone number and our house line (yes, I am one of the few people left on the planet that still has a landline). I hung it on the wall of their playroom and whenever we were in that room together playing, we would make a point to look at the poster and recite the phone numbers. The poster was always there so even when we weren’t intentionally focused on it, the information showing was seeping into their heads. Eventually, it stuck with all of them. And we proved on the mountain that it was worth the effort!

Knowing a parent’s phone number is something that your child can use whether they are young and get separated from you, or when they are older and have lost their cell phone and they need to contact you. Cell phones make it easy to store numbers. But what if your child finds themselves without that information at their fingertips. It’s important that they have at least one trusted adult’s phone number in their brain so they always have a way to get in touch with you, even if they cannot use their own phone. Of course we also recommend that your child knows to call 911 in an emergency or if they forget a specific person’s phone number.

Camp Fun All Year Long…Sign Up Early!

At Shibley Day Camp, we provide fun family programming all year long as we prepare for the next summer to arrive. Why?

  • We want to stay connected to our camp families and staff 12 months a year.
  • We provide multiple opportunities for new campers to make friends, meet staff and acclimate to our camp environment.
  • New camp parents have the opportunity to speak with veteran camp parents who can ease their concerns and answer questions from the parents’ perspective.
  • Often times parents/guardians will run into other adults that they know but didn’t realize were also connected to Shibley.
  • The more times a child/family comes to visit before camp begins, the more successful the transition to camp is when opening day arrives in June.

Nothing is quite as awesome as actual camp…but at Shibley you don’t have to wait ten months to get back to camp each year. We host year-round activities for our families and prospective families nearly every month between each summer.

Off-season Events for 2024-2025:

December 15 – Shibley Bingo for Shibley Prizes

Zoom at 5:00pm

January 11 – Winter Wonderland Crafts & Games

75 minute sessions at camp in person

9:15am, 11:00am & 12:45pm

February 9 – Pre-Super Bowl Crafts & Games

75 minute sessions at camp in person

9:15am, 11:00am & 12:45pm

March 1 – Family Outing to New York Islanders Game

12:30pm game at UBS Arena

More info/how to purchase tix coming soon…

March 22 – March Madness Crafts & Games

75 minute sessions at camp in person

9:15am, 11:00am & 12:45pm

April 19 – Family Outing to New York Mets Game

Game time TBD – Citi Field

More info/how to purchase tix coming soon…

April 26 – Open Picnic/Open Play for Earth Day

Families are invited to bring a picnic and enjoy our beautiful grounds from 10am to 2pm

May 17 – Spring Festival for 2025 Shibley Families

Enrolled campers are invited to enjoy camp activities from 1pm to 4pm

Jess is Our New Junior Camp Athletics Director

Shibley Shibley! My name is Jess Marback and I am thrilled to announce my new role at camp this summer as Junior Camp Athletic Director. I have been a part of the Shibley family for 12 years. The past eight summers I have been a group leader in Junior Camp encouraging children to try new activities and give it their best! Seeing the success in a child’s eyes is the most rewarding experience anyone can ever hope for.

I have an extensive background in athletics.  During my childhood and high school career, I played a variety of sports. As I got older, I predominantly played basketball and softball. My athletic career continued in college where I was the starting catcher at Post University in Connecticut.  I come from a family of five children, so competition is second nature to me.

During the summer I will create a safe, positive, nurturing, and empathetic environment for our youngest and newest athletes to develop their skills. I look forward to new tournaments, games, and fun activities for all junior campers.  I will focus on making sure each physical activity is fun and engaging for campers of all skill levels. We will work on teamwork and building self-confidence.  I’m a fan of the Yankees, Jets, and Rangers, but I love watching all the sports and all the teams with my family on the weekends.

During the school year I work as an educator at Weber Middle School, and I have three children, Lola, Georgia and Briar, of which two are attending camp this summer.  It is truly incredible to be able to see the growth and happiness that my children and all campers have at camp.  Nothing makes me happier than seeing them come off the bus smiling, happy and dirty!  Summer can’t come soon enough and I’m looking forward to working with all the new and returning campers!