Why Shibley Day Camp?


Shibley Day Camp is a place where children gather from Nassau County, Manhattan, Queens & Brooklyn to have a magical summer. At camp children:

  • Build self confidence in adventure & performance activities
  • Compete in traditional and unique athletic activities
  • Create and express themselves in arts & cooking activities
  • Explore and discover during science and nature activities
  • Improve swim skills in the pools
  • Make meaningful long lasting friendships

The diverse community at Shibley is led by educators, coaches and parents. The program is balanced and built in a way that improves children’s skills in their areas of interest while also exposing them to new activities they may have never tried. The daily program is designed in a unique way so that children are continuously active and engaged with friends and staff.

The children spend their day swimming and playing outdoors on acres of shade covered fields and activity areas. When they walk onto the Shibley Day Camp grounds they suddenly feel like they have traveled to the Berkshires or Adirondacks. The down to earth atmosphere is welcoming and comfortable to children and adults of all ages and from all backgrounds. Shibley’s simple philosophy is that the child must come home smiling, tired and dirty:)

Daily American Red Cross instructional swim is one of the most important aspects of the program. All children from ages 3-13 learn to swim or improve their swim skills at camp. Swim instructors and counselors work with small groups of children in age appropriate pools every morning. The children then have an opportunity to return to the pool each afternoon to practice and play.

Camp is fun, educational and magical for the children, but it is also much more than that. Having strong positive values that are modeled consistently and intentionally by the staff leads to lifelong friendships and personal growth. Confident campers with positive values have the tools to become our future leaders and innovators. Staff orientation is guided by the principals of positive behavior management. We celebrate when staff and campers display our GREEN values: Generosity, Respect, Empathy, Endurance and Nurture.

Shibley Day Camp provides valuable events to its community throughout the entire year. Festivals, open play days and themed Zooms take place in the Fall, Winter & Spring. New families and veterans have ample opportunities to spend time at Shibley, make connections and become comfortable with the staff and grounds before summer begins.


Happy New Year from Randi!

Happy & Healthy New Year to our Shibley Family!!!!!!!!!!!!

While I am sure many of us are eager to leave 2020 behind us, I feel it’s important to try and focus on the positive when we can…even though that can be especially tough to do right now. This year came with many highs and lows, but my bright spot was savoring extra time spent with my family and for that, I am grateful. Looking ahead to 2021, I am hopeful that we collectively continue to take the necessary COVID precautions, stay safe, and make our way towards the light at the end of the tunnel.

It was truly wonderful seeing so many familiar faces at our Zoom Holiday Party with Mainstages. I had so much fun playing Holiday Trivia, hearing your voices, dancing with you and making a snowman! We’re so lucky to have partnered with Mainstages, as they bring such a strong sense of liveliness, silliness and creativity to our events together. While we still cannot be together in person, it’s so great to have such engaging and interactive virtual events to feel that sense of Shibley unity and love. I noticed many of you on the other end of your screens had brothers, sisters, or parents participating in the fun- I loved seeing your teamwork! My daughter, Mariel, spent her Winter Break at home with us, so it was great to be able to play with her by my side.

We are planning more Zoom get-togethers to keep the momentum going until the Springtime when we hope to be able to get together in person once again.   Please mark your calendars for our next Zoom event- Saturday, January 9th @ 5:00 PM. Our new Junior Camp Director, Hayley, will be hosting story time for our campers. While this event is built around our junior campers, who doesn’t love a good read-aloud?! I know I will be there, ready to see your faces and listen to a great story or two. Maybe we can wear our cozy pajamas, bring a favorite stuffed animal, and dunk some cookies in milk as Hayley reads.

As 2021 begins, I am filled with hope and inspiration. We will take all that we’ve learned from 2020 with us, and prepare for an incredible summer.  Wishing you all a healthy happy start to the year-Stay safe and be well!

Bob’s Favorite Holiday Time Jokes

  • What does a snowman eat for breakfast?
    • Frosted Flakes
  • What do Santa’s elves learn in school?
    • The Elf abet
  • Why do mummies like the holidays?
    • Because of all the wrapping
  • Why did the holiday tree go to the barber?
    • It needed to be trimmed
  • When does New Year’s Day come before Chanukah / Christmas?
    • Every year
  • What do you get from a cow at the North Pole?
    • Ice Cream
  • What does Santa like to do in the garden?
    • Hoe, Hoe, Hoe
  • Why did the dog cross the road twice?
    • He was trying to fetch a boomerang
  • What is big as an elephant but weighs nothing?
    • His shadow
  • Which day do fish hate?
    • Fry day
  • What falls but never gets hurt?
    • Snow
  • What do you call a bear with no teeth?
    • A gummy bear
  • Where does an elephant pack his luggage?
    • In his trunk
  • What do you call a snowman in July?
    • A puddle
  • Why are gulls named seagulls?
    • Because if they were by the bay they would be bagels
  • What did Jack Frost say to Frosty the Snowman?
    • Have an ice day
  • What do you get from a cow in a tornado?
    • A milk shake
  • Why did the students study in an airplane?
    • Because they wanted higher grades
  • Why does a dog wag its tail?
    • Because there is no one else to wag it for him
  • What kind of ball doesn’t bounce?
    • A snowball
  • What is a parent’s favorite holiday song?
    • Silent night